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Более 6500 заданий ЕГЭ для тренировки с удобными подсказками и подробными пошаговыми решениями.

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


Choose the best way to finish your email:

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


Choose all the correct questions (there may be more than 3 correct questions).

In the email your friend says: My sister Mary is getting married …

Under the email you have this instruction: ask 3 questions about his sister.

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


Choose the best paragraph, answering your friend’s questions.

Your task says:

… My Dad has got a new job. What do your parents do? What kind What kind of job would you like to have and why? of training do you need for it?

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


Choose the best way to start your email:

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


Choose the best way to connect your paragraph with questions to the previous one:

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к курсам со скидкой до 30%!

  • Интерактивные видео-уроки
  • Практические семинары
  • Домашки с проверкой
  • Ежемесячные пробники
  • Чаты с преподавателями
  • Поддержка куратора
Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


Choose all the correct questions (there may be more than 3 correct questions).

In the email your friend says: I’m going to visit my friends in London soon

Under the email you have this instruction: ask 3 questions about her trip to London.

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


How many points can you get for task 37 (the email)?

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


What is the best answer to your friend's question "What are your favourite subjects at school?"

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


What is the best answer to your friend's question "Do you like to go shopping on your own or with friends and why?"

Writing. Email№37 ЕГЭ


You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane:

From: Jane
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Shopping

… I went shopping with my parents yesterday. Do you prefer to shop online or in regular stores? Why do you think many people like to spend their week-ends in big shopping malls? Do you like to go shopping on your own or with friends and why?

   You know, I celebrated my birthday last week …

Write an email to Jane.

In your message:
answer her questions;
ask 3 questions about her birthday celebration.

Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.

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к курсам со скидкой до 30%!

  • Интерактивные видео-уроки
  • Практические семинары
  • Домашки с проверкой
  • Ежемесячные пробники
  • Чаты с преподавателями
  • Поддержка куратора
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